After a fairly long period of progress and advancement, the human race now stands at the cross roads of what to choose – rapid development or the sustainable development? Both the options are strikingly different and offer different results. With the first, we can continue with our advancement uninterrupted! Truly? The environmental experts argue that the benefits and progress accrued to our credit will all be lost in the near prospects because we are on the edge of survival battle and the earth’s capacity to further carry our burden is getting saturated. Sustainable development then appears as the only viable option for us to follow. Sustainability issues are more pertinent to the sectors of energy use and resource utilizations. Sustainable adviser Marlon Kobacker offers the practical escorts that could be employed effectively to augment the sustainable development initiatives.
Fundamental innovations required!
The rapid depletion of the natural reserves has led to the deterioration of the overall life and living dimensions. There are the issues of scarcity and pollution which have emerged as the negative fallouts of our efforts. In spite of these emergent issues, the awareness quotient is generally low in the social and economic domains. The society is divided between the rich and poor; the latter being the most affected segment! The economic entities on the other hand are forced to carry on with their unsustainable ways because the sustainability interventions (although fewer in numbers) are really expensive for the practical adoption and replication on a wider scale. The assistive escorts and enforcements are required if the desired results are to be obtained. Innovative interventions of fundamental value like those offered by Marlon Kobacker could be of crucial help for the commercial entities which are eagerly looking for the escorts. Solar energy, for example is awaiting the replication due to the high installation costs!
Assisting the nascent transitions
The governments around the world while recognizing these urgencies have tried to generate the props at the opportune times. Subsidizing the cost of production for the solar cell wafers is one such initiative. Such initiatives could be augmented with the resonant catering by the sustainable adviser professionals that are catering as per the demands placed by their clients. Green building codes implementation, optimized use of daylight, energy efficient data centers are some of their pursuits that have developed fine requisitioning in the corporate domains. However, such demand is more emergent in the higher and elite segment where the extra finances are available. For the mid size and small firms in diverse orientations, the public agencies need to be more vigilant in ensuring the compliances with the environmental protection norms that are put in place.
Include society and economy both in the sustainable development drives
The social domains cannot be kept aloof from the sustainable development drives. The social dwellers are the important stakeholders in this campaign and therefore there needs to be high and manifested awareness so that a chain action can be set in motion! Sustainable adviser like Marlon Kobacker are offering fine interventions to augment the pursuits of the public agencies and other global campaigns so as to reverse the results; & this appears to be a distant proposition!
Fundamental innovations required!
The rapid depletion of the natural reserves has led to the deterioration of the overall life and living dimensions. There are the issues of scarcity and pollution which have emerged as the negative fallouts of our efforts. In spite of these emergent issues, the awareness quotient is generally low in the social and economic domains. The society is divided between the rich and poor; the latter being the most affected segment! The economic entities on the other hand are forced to carry on with their unsustainable ways because the sustainability interventions (although fewer in numbers) are really expensive for the practical adoption and replication on a wider scale. The assistive escorts and enforcements are required if the desired results are to be obtained. Innovative interventions of fundamental value like those offered by Marlon Kobacker could be of crucial help for the commercial entities which are eagerly looking for the escorts. Solar energy, for example is awaiting the replication due to the high installation costs!
Assisting the nascent transitions
The governments around the world while recognizing these urgencies have tried to generate the props at the opportune times. Subsidizing the cost of production for the solar cell wafers is one such initiative. Such initiatives could be augmented with the resonant catering by the sustainable adviser professionals that are catering as per the demands placed by their clients. Green building codes implementation, optimized use of daylight, energy efficient data centers are some of their pursuits that have developed fine requisitioning in the corporate domains. However, such demand is more emergent in the higher and elite segment where the extra finances are available. For the mid size and small firms in diverse orientations, the public agencies need to be more vigilant in ensuring the compliances with the environmental protection norms that are put in place.
Include society and economy both in the sustainable development drives
The social domains cannot be kept aloof from the sustainable development drives. The social dwellers are the important stakeholders in this campaign and therefore there needs to be high and manifested awareness so that a chain action can be set in motion! Sustainable adviser like Marlon Kobacker are offering fine interventions to augment the pursuits of the public agencies and other global campaigns so as to reverse the results; & this appears to be a distant proposition!